老公手術後回家已經差不多一個星期, 昨天覆診都好地地, 今天轉差了, 晚上又入了醫院......
他自己一個人搭的士到醫院的, 我未上完堂便匆匆忙忙由中環飛的士到醫院......傷口其實沒有問題, 但仍然不知為什麼流那麼多血......
明天又會是漫長的一天, 希望沒有事可以回家......
都是那一句, 身體健康真的很重要!
Anthropology brought me to a new perspective of understanding the world and people around me. It taught me how to respect cultures, to embrace diversity and to treat every human beings with respect. Try not to judge. Try to learn and to understand.